De quoi supprimer des sous-titres d'un MKV et ajouter au max 2 SRT externes #133

Ghost merged 2 commits from BatchMergeSubtitleswithMKVMerge into master 2021-11-16 23:17:38 +01:00

@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
# ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
# │ Powershell Script │
# │ │
# │ Objective : to keep up to 2 internal subtiles form a MKV and adding 1 or 2 external SRT. │
# │ │
# │ Configure : │
# │ - the Audio_ variables │
# │ - the ExtSubTrack_ variables │
# │ - All variables before the function Get-SubID │
# │ - The Track ID in the function Get-SubID + the filename for those track ID │
# └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
# Set MKVMerge.exe Path
$MKVMerge = "`"H:\z_MKV\mkvtoolnix\mkvmerge.exe`""
# For the parameters to pass to MKVMerge executable, will be construct
$sourceDirectory_1 = "PATH_TO_SOURCE_1"
$destinationDirectory = "PATH_TO_DESTINATION"
# Remove dots before the season or the resolution ?
$remove_dots = $true
# If there is the year in the title, set it to $true
$set_year_with_brackets = $false
# $chain_to_search = ''
# $chain__to_replace = ''
$chain_to_search = '(.*) S(\d{2})E(\d{2}).(.*)'
$chain__to_replace = '$1 - S$2E$3 - $4--Custom'
# Move MKV1 (and SRT) to Not-Merged folder ? Set to $false or $true
$move_mkv1_after_merge = $true
# ================== AUDIO ================== Common for all videos
# Track 1 = Audio n°1
# Name and language of Audio Track n°1
$AudioTrackName_1 = "1:Japonais - AAC 2.0"
$AudioLang_1 = "1:ja" # en for english / fr for french / ja for japanese
$AudioTrack_1_default = "1:yes"
# Define track order. Do not modify it unless you changed the track number in this section
$track_order = "0:0,0:1"
# ================================================================
# To keep or not internal subtitles
$keep_internal_Sub = $false
# NOTE : Internal SUB always came first in the track order !
# ===========================================
# ================== Internal SUB ? =========
$Internal_SUB_Number = 2 # Works only if $External_SUB = $true
# Max 2 Internal SRT is configured in the script.
# If set to 2, must be 2 SRT configured
$SubTrackName_1 = "Français - SRT"
$SubTrackLang_1 = "fr" # en for english / fr for french / jp for japanese
$SubTrack_1_default = "yes"
$sub_charset_1 = "UTF-8"
$SubTrackName_2 = "English SDH - SRT"
$SubTrackLang_2 = "en" # en for english / fr for french / jp for japanese
$SubTrack_2_default = "no"
$sub_charset_2 = "UTF-8"
# ===========================================
# ===========================================
# ================== External SUB ? =========
# Must have the same name as MKV1
$External_SUB = $true
$External_SUB_Number = 1 # Works only if $External_SUB = $true
# Max 2 External SRT is configured in the script.
# If set to 2, must be 2 SRT configured
# Set Subtitle Extension (Don't add the . before the extension)
$SubExtension_1 = ''
$SubExtension_2 = ''
#### FILE 2 - SRT_1 - Keeping all but the video (audio + chapters tags)
# ================== SUBTITLES ==================
# Track 0 = Sub n°1 to keep
# Name and language of Subtitle Track n°0 + Sync Value
$ExtSubTrackName_1 = "0:Français - SRT"
$ExtSubTrackLang_1 = "0:fr"
$ExtSubTrack_1_default = "0:yes"
$ExtSub_charset_1 = "0:UTF-8"
#### FILE 3 - SRT_2 - Keeping all but the video (audio + chapters tags)
# ================== SUBTITLES ==================
# Track 0 = Sub n°1 to keep
# Name and language of Subtitle Track n°0 + Sync Value
$ExtSubTrackName_2 = "0:Français - SRT"
$ExtSubTrackLang_2 = "0:fr"
$ExtSubTrack_2_default = "0:no"
$ExtSub_charset_2 = "0:UTF-8"
# Define track order - DO NOT TOUCH
$track_order_EXT_sub = ""
if ( $External_SUB -eq $true ) {
if ( $External_SUB_Number -eq 1 ) {
$track_order_EXT_sub += ",1:0"
if ( $External_SUB_Number -eq 2 ) {
$track_order_EXT_sub += ",2:0"
# ===========================================
function Get-SubID { # FOR INTERNAL SUB !
param ( # sub_1_id for 1st sub to keep
$file_name # sub_2_id for 2nd sub to keep
switch ($file_name)
$sub_1_id = "4"
$sub_2_id = "5"
$sub_1_id = "5"
$sub_2_id = "6"
#Default state
Write-Host "This file is not set in the script : $file_name" -ForegroundColor "red"
Write-Host "End of script..." -ForegroundColor "red"
return $sub_1_id, $sub_2_id
$MKV_1_List = Get-ChildItem $sourceDirectory_1 -Filter "*.mkv" | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName } | Sort-Object
$Count_1 = $MKV_1_List.count
Write-Host "$Count_1 MKV's to be processed in $sourceDirectory_1."
# Testing if the Done_Remerged folder already exists : if yes, it will be renamed, else it will be created.
$Path_Folder_NotMerged_1 = $sourceDirectory_1 + "\Done_Remerged"
If(!(test-path $Path_Folder_NotMerged_1)) {
New-Item -ItemType "Directory" -Force -Path $Path_Folder_NotMerged_1 -Verbose
} else {
# Don't know what's the best... TO BE IMPROVED
#Move-Item -Path $Path_Folder_NotMerged_2 -Destination "$sourceDirectory\Not-Merged--backup" -Verbose
#Move-Item -Path $Path_Folder_NotMerged_2 -Destination "$sourceDirectory\Not-Merged--backup" -Verbose
# #########################
# Check if there is the same number of .srt files as .mkv files
if ( $External_SUB -eq $true ) {
if ( $External_SUB_Number -ge 1 ) { # If $NB_External_SUB >= 1 (include =1 and =2)
$SRT_1_List = Get-ChildItem $sourceDirectory_1 -Filter "*.$SubExtension_1" | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName } | Sort-Object
$Count_1_SRT = $SRT_1_List.count
Write-Host "$Count_1_SRT SRT's ($SubExtension_1) to be processed in $sourceDirectory_1."
if ($Count_1 -eq $Count_1_SRT) {
Write-Host "There is the same number of MKV and SRT n°1 files ($SubExtension_1) in this folder. Let's continue."
} else {
Write-Host "The number of MKV and SRT n°1 files isn't the same. ABORT..." -foreground "red"
if ( $External_SUB_Number -eq 2 ) { # Only if $External_SUB_Number = 2
$SRT_2_List = Get-ChildItem $sourceDirectory_1 -Filter "*.$SubExtension_2" | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName } | Sort-Object
$Count_2_SRT = $SRT_2_List.count
Write-Host "$Count_2_SRT SRT's ($SubExtension_2) to be processed in $sourceDirectory_1."
if ($Count_1 -eq $Count_2_SRT) {
Write-Host "There is the same number of MKV and SRT n°2 files ($SubExtension_2) in this folder. Let's continue."
} else {
Write-Host "The number of MKV and SRT n°2 files ($SubExtension_2) isn't the same. ABORT..." -foreground "red"
# #########################
$compteur = 1
Foreach ($MKV_1 in $MKV_1_List) {
Write-Host "" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "white"
Write-Host "Traitement du fichier n° $compteur / $Count_1..." -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "white"
Write-Host "" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "white"
# Clear variables
$MKVMerge_param_start = ""
$MKVMerge_param_mkv1 = ""
$MKVMerge_param_srt1 = ""
$MKVMerge_param_srt2 = ""
$MKVMerge_param_all = ""
$MKVMerge_sub_param = ""
$SRT_1_Name = ""
$SRT_2_Name = ""
$SRT_1 = ""
$SRT_2 = ""
$FormatName_1 = (Get-Item $MKV_1).Basename
$MKV_1_name = $FormatName_1.ToString()
# Title for the video track and for the destination file
$VideoTrackName = $MKV_1_name
if ( $set_year_with_brackets -eq $true ) {
$VideoTrackName = $VideoTrackName -replace '(\d{4}(?=.*S\d{2}E\d{2}))', '($1)'
if ( $remove_dots -eq $true ) {
$VideoTrackName = $VideoTrackName -replace '\.(?=.*S\d{2}E\d{2})', ' '
$VideoTrackName = $VideoTrackName -replace $chain_to_search, $chain__to_replace
$VideoTrackName = "$VideoTrackName"
Write-Host "`tThe Video Track Name will be : `r`n`t`t $VideoTrackName" -ForegroundColor "green"
$Output = "$destinationDirectory" + "\" + "$VideoTrackName" + ".mkv"
# DO NOT TOUCH - Common for all files
$MKVMerge_audio_param = "--language $AudioLang_1 --track-name `"$AudioTrackName_1`" --default-track $AudioTrack_1_default"
if (( $keep_internal_Sub -eq $true ) -and ( $Internal_SUB_Number -ne 0 )) {
$sub_1_id, $sub_2_id = Get-SubID $MKV_1_name
# Track 2 = Sub n°1 to keep
# Name and language of Subtitle Track n°1 + Sync Value
$SubTrackName_1 = $sub_1_id + ":$SubTrackName_1"
$SubTrackLang_1 = $sub_1_id + ":$SubTrackLang_1"
$SubTrack_1_default = $sub_1_id + ":$SubTrack_1_default"
$sub_charset_1 = $sub_1_id + ":$sub_charset_1"
# Define track order
$track_order += ",0:" + $sub_1_id
$subtitle_tracks = "$sub_1_id"
$MKVMerge_sub_param = "--sub-charset $sub_charset_1 --language $SubTrackLang_1 --track-name `"$SubTrackName_1`" --default-track $SubTrack_1_default"
if ( $Internal_SUB_Number -eq 2 ) {
# Track 3 = Sub n°2 to keep
# Name and language of Subtitle Track n°1 + Sync Value
$SubTrackName_2 = $sub_2_id + ":$SubTrackName_2"
$SubTrackLang_2 = $sub_2_id + ":$SubTrackLang_2"
$SubTrack_2_default = $sub_2_id + ":$SubTrack_2_default"
$sub_charset_2 = $sub_2_id + ":$sub_charset_2"
# Define track order
$track_order += ",0:" + $sub_2_id
$subtitle_tracks += ",$sub_2_id"
$MKVMerge_sub_param += " --sub-charset $sub_charset_2 --language $SubTrackLang_2 --track-name `"$SubTrackName_2`" --default-track $SubTrack_2_default"
elseif (( $keep_internal_Sub -eq $true ) -and ( $Internal_SUB_Number -eq 0 )) {
write-host "Problem with `$keep_internal_Sub=$keep_internal_Sub and `$Internal_SUB_Number=$Internal_SUB_Number.`nIf `$keep_internal_Sub=true, `$Internal_SUB_Number should have a value different from 0 !" -ForegroundColor "Red"
if ( ( $External_SUB_Number -ne 0 ) -and ( $External_SUB -eq $true ) ) {
# First external SRT to include
$SRT_1_Name = $MKV_1_name + ".$SubExtension_1"
$SRT_1 = $sourceDirectory_1 + "\" + $SRT_1_name
$track_order += $track_order_EXT_sub
$MKVMerge_param_srt1 = "--sub-charset $Extsub_charset_1 --language $ExtSubTrackLang_1 --track-name `"$ExtSubTrackName_1`" --default-track $ExtSubTrack_1_default `"$SRT_1`""
$MKVMerge_param_srt_all = "$MKVMerge_param_srt1"
if ( $External_SUB_Number -eq 2 ) {
# Second external SRT to include
$SRT_2_Name = $MKV_1_name + ".$SubExtension_2"
$SRT_2 = $sourceDirectory_1 + "\" + $SRT_2_name
$MKVMerge_param_srt2 = "--sub-charset $Extsub_charset_2 --language $ExtSubTrackLang_2 --track-name `"$ExtSubTrackName_2`" --default-track $ExtSubTrack_2_default `"$SRT_2`""
$MKVMerge_param_srt_all += " $MKVMerge_param_srt2"
if ( $keep_internal_Sub -eq $false ) {
$MKVMerge_param_start = "--output `"$Output`" --title `"$VideoTrackName`" --track-order `"$track_order`" --no-subtitles --track-name `"0:$VideoTrackName`" --default-track 0:yes"
$MKVMerge_param_mkv1 = "$MKVMerge_audio_param `"$MKV_1`""
$MKVMerge_param_all = "$MKVMerge_param_start $MKVMerge_param_mkv1 $MKVMerge_param_srt_all"
else {
$MKVMerge_param_start = "--output `"$Output`" --title `"$VideoTrackName`" --track-order `"$track_order`" --subtitle-tracks $subtitle_tracks --track-name `"0:$VideoTrackName`" --default-track 0:yes"
$MKVMerge_param_mkv1 = "$MKVMerge_audio_param $MKVMerge_sub_param `"$MKV_1`""
$MKVMerge_param_all = "$MKVMerge_param_start $MKVMerge_param_mkv1 $MKVMerge_param_srt_all"
elseif (( $External_SUB_Number -eq 0 ) -and ( $External_SUB -eq $true )) {
write-host "Problem with `$External_SUB_Number=$External_SUB_Number and `$External_SUB=$External_SUB.`nIf `$External_SUB=true, `$External_SUB_Number should have a value different from 0 !" -ForegroundColor "Red"
# To modify a SubTrackName after previous operation... :
# if ( $MKV_1_name -eq "BLABLA" ) {
# $SubTrackName_2 = $sub_2_id + ":Français Québécois - SRT"
# }
# Write-Host "`$MKVMerge_param_start = $MKVMerge_param_start" -ForegroundColor "White"
# Write-Host "`$MKVMerge_param_mkv1 = $MKVMerge_param_mkv1" -ForegroundColor "White"
# Write-Host "`$MKVMerge_param_all = $MKVMerge_param_all" -ForegroundColor "White"
# Last step to command construction
$command = "& $MKVMerge $MKVMerge_param_all"
# Launch begin...
Invoke-Expression $command
Write-Host "" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "white"
Write-Host "Fin du traitement du fichier n° $compteur / $Count_1." -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "white"
Write-Host "" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "white"
If (-Not (Test-Path $Output) ) {
write-host "File NON-EXISTANT - $Output" -foreground "red"
"File NON-EXISTANT - $Output" | Out-File "$destinationDirectory\Errors.txt" -Append
else {
if ( $move_mkv1_after_merge -eq $true ) {
Move-Item -Path $MKV_1 -Destination $Path_Folder_NotMerged_1 -Verbose
if ( $NB_External_SUB -ne 0 ) {
Move-Item -Path $SRT_1 -Destination $Path_Folder_NotMerged_1 -Verbose
if ( $NB_External_SUB -eq 2 ) {
Move-Item -Path $SRT_2 -Destination $Path_Folder_NotMerged_2 -Verbose