"""All discord bot and Plex api interactions.""" import asyncio import io import logging from urllib.request import urlopen import discord import lyricsgenius from async_timeout import timeout from discord import FFmpegPCMAudio from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import command from plexapi.exceptions import Unauthorized from plexapi.exceptions import NotFound from plexapi.server import PlexServer from .exceptions import MediaNotFoundError from .exceptions import VoiceChannelError root_log = logging.getLogger() plex_log = logging.getLogger("Plex") bot_log = logging.getLogger("Bot") help_text = """ General: kill [silent] - Halt the bot [silently]. help - Print this help message. cleanup - Delete old messages from the bot. Plex: play - Play a song from the plex server. album - Queue an entire album to play. lyrics - Print the lyrics of the song (Requires Genius API) np - Print the current playing song. stop - Halt playback and leave vc. pause - Pause playback. resume - Resume playback. clear - Clear play queue. [] - Optional args. """ class General(commands.Cog): """General commands Manage general bot behavior """ def __init__(self, bot): """Initialize commands Args: bot: discord.ext.command.Bot, bind for cogs Returns: None Raises: None """ self.bot = bot @command() async def kill(self, ctx, *args): """Kill the bot Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command *args: optional flags Returns: None Raises: None """ if "silent" not in args: await ctx.send(f"Stopping upon the request of {ctx.author.mention}") await self.bot.close() bot_log.info("Stopping upon the request of %s", ctx.author.mention) @command(name="help") async def help(self, ctx): """Prints command help Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command Returns: None Raise: None """ await ctx.send(f"```{help_text}```") @command() async def cleanup(self, ctx, limit=250): """Delete old messages from bot Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command limit: int number of messages to go back by to delete. Default 250 Raises: None Returns: None """ channel = ctx.message.channel try: async for i in channel.history(limit=limit): # Only delete messages sent by self if i.author == self.bot.user: try: await i.delete() except (discord.Forbidden, discord.NotFound, discord.HTTPException): pass async for i in channel.history(limit=limit): if i.author == ctx.message.author and i.content.startswith( self.bot.command_prefix ): try: await i.delete() except (discord.Forbidden, discord.NotFound, discord.HTTPException): pass except discord.Forbidden: bot_log.info("Unable to delete messages, insufficient permissions.") await ctx.send("I don't have the necessary permissions to delete messages.") class Plex(commands.Cog): """ Discord commands pertinent to interacting with Plex Contains user commands such as play, pause, resume, stop, etc. Grabs, and parses all data from plex database. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # All are necessary to detect global interactions # within the bot. def __init__(self, bot, **kwargs): """Initializes Plex resources Connects to Plex library and sets up all asyncronous communications. Args: bot: discord.ext.command.Bot, bind for cogs base_url: str url to Plex server plex_token: str X-Token of Plex server lib_name: str name of Plex library to search through Raises: plexapi.exceptions.Unauthorized: Invalid Plex token Returns: None """ self.bot = bot self.base_url = kwargs["base_url"] self.plex_token = kwargs["plex_token"] self.library_name = kwargs["lib_name"] self.bot_prefix = bot.command_prefix if kwargs["lyrics_token"]: self.genius = lyricsgenius.Genius(kwargs["lyrics_token"]) else: plex_log.warning("No lyrics token specified, lyrics disabled") self.genius = None # Log fatal invalid plex token try: self.pms = PlexServer(self.base_url, self.plex_token) except Unauthorized: plex_log.fatal("Invalid Plex token, stopping...") raise Unauthorized("Invalid Plex token") self.music = self.pms.library.section(self.library_name) plex_log.debug("Connected to plex library: %s", self.library_name) # Initialize necessary vars self.voice_channel = None self.current_track = None self.np_message_id = None self.ctx = None # Initialize events self.play_queue = asyncio.Queue() self.play_next_event = asyncio.Event() bot_log.info("Started bot successfully") self.bot.loop.create_task(self._audio_player_task()) def _search_tracks(self, title: str): """Search the Plex music db for track Args: title: str title of song to search for Returns: plexapi.audio.Track pointing to best matching title Raises: MediaNotFoundError: Title of track can't be found in plex db """ results = self.music.searchTracks(title=title, maxresults=1) try: return results[0] except IndexError: raise MediaNotFoundError("Track cannot be found") def _search_albums(self, title: str): """Search the Plex music db for album Args: title: str title of album to search for Returns: plexapi.audio.Album pointing to best matching title Raises: MediaNotFoundError: Title of album can't be found in plex db """ results = self.music.searchAlbums(title=title, maxresults=1) try: return results[0] except IndexError: raise MediaNotFoundError("Album cannot be found") def _search_playlists(self, title: str): """Search the Plex music db for playlist Args: title: str title of playlist to search for Returns: plexapi.playlist pointing to best matching title Raises: MediaNotFoundError: Title of playlist can't be found in plex db """ try: return self.pms.playlist(title) except NotFound: raise MediaNotFoundError("Playlist cannot be found") async def _play(self): """Heavy lifting of playing songs Grabs the appropiate streaming URL, sends the `now playing` message, and initiates playback in the vc. Args: None Returns: None Raises: None """ track_url = self.current_track.getStreamURL() audio_stream = FFmpegPCMAudio(track_url) while self.voice_channel.is_playing(): asyncio.sleep(2) self.voice_channel.play(audio_stream, after=self._toggle_next) plex_log.debug("%s - URL: %s", self.current_track, track_url) embed, img = self._build_embed_track(self.current_track) self.np_message_id = await self.ctx.send(embed=embed, file=img) async def _audio_player_task(self): """Coroutine to handle playback and queuing Always-running function awaiting new songs to be added. Auto disconnects from VC if idle for > 15 seconds. Handles auto deletion of now playing song notifications. Args: None Returns: None Raises: None """ while True: self.play_next_event.clear() if self.voice_channel: try: # Disconnect after 15 seconds idle async with timeout(15): self.current_track = await self.play_queue.get() except asyncio.TimeoutError: await self.voice_channel.disconnect() self.voice_channel = None if not self.current_track: self.current_track = await self.play_queue.get() await self._play() await self.play_next_event.wait() await self.np_message_id.delete() def _toggle_next(self, error=None): """Callback for vc playback Clears current track, then activates _audio_player_task to play next in queue or disconnect. Args: error: Optional parameter required for discord.py callback Returns: None Raises: None """ self.current_track = None self.bot.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.play_next_event.set) @staticmethod def _build_embed_track(track, type_="play"): """Creates a pretty embed card for tracks Builds a helpful status embed with the following info: Status, song title, album, artist and album art. All pertitent information is grabbed dynamically from the Plex db. Args: track: plexapi.audio.Track object of song type_: Type of card to make (play, queue). Returns: embed: discord.embed fully constructed payload. thumb_art: io.BytesIO of album thumbnail img. Raises: ValueError: Unsupported type of embed {type_} """ # Grab the relevant thumbnail img_stream = urlopen(track.thumbUrl) img = io.BytesIO(img_stream.read()) # Attach to discord embed art_file = discord.File(img, filename="image0.png") # Get appropiate status message if type_ == "play": title = f"Now Playing - {track.title}" elif type_ == "queue": title = f"Added to queue - {track.title}" else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type of embed {type_}") # Include song details descrip = f"{track.album().title} - {track.artist().title}" # Build the actual embed embed = discord.Embed( title=title, description=descrip, colour=discord.Color.red() ) embed.set_author(name="Plex") # Point to file attached with ctx object. embed.set_thumbnail(url="attachment://image0.png") bot_log.debug("Built embed for track - %s", track.title) return embed, art_file @staticmethod def _build_embed_album(album): """Creates a pretty embed card for albums Builds a helpful status embed with the following info: album, artist, and album art. All pertitent information is grabbed dynamically from the Plex db. Args: album: plexapi.audio.Album object of album Returns: embed: discord.embed fully constructed payload. thumb_art: io.BytesIO of album thumbnail img. Raises: None """ # Grab the relevant thumbnail img_stream = urlopen(album.thumbUrl) img = io.BytesIO(img_stream.read()) # Attach to discord embed art_file = discord.File(img, filename="image0.png") title = "Added album to queue" descrip = f"{album.title} - {album.artist().title}" embed = discord.Embed( title=title, description=descrip, colour=discord.Color.red() ) embed.set_author(name="Plex") embed.set_thumbnail(url="attachment://image0.png") bot_log.debug("Built embed for album - %s", album.title) return embed, art_file @staticmethod def _build_embed_playlist(self, playlist): """Creates a pretty embed card for playlists Builds a helpful status embed with the following info: playlist art. All pertitent information is grabbed dynamically from the Plex db. Args: playlist: plexapi.playlist object of playlist Returns: embed: discord.embed fully constructed payload. thumb_art: io.BytesIO of playlist thumbnail img. Raises: None """ # Grab the relevant thumbnail img_stream = urlopen(self.pms.url(playlist.composite, True)) img = io.BytesIO(img_stream.read()) # Attach to discord embed art_file = discord.File(img, filename="image0.png") title = "Added playlist to queue" descrip = f"{playlist.title}" embed = discord.Embed( title=title, description=descrip, colour=discord.Color.red() ) embed.set_author(name="Plex") embed.set_thumbnail(url="attachment://image0.png") bot_log.debug("Built embed for playlist - %s", playlist.title) return embed, art_file async def _validate(self, ctx): """Ensures user is in a vc Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command Returns: None Raises: VoiceChannelError: Author not in voice channel """ # Fail if user not in vc if not ctx.author.voice: await ctx.send("Join a voice channel first!") bot_log.debug("Failed to play, requester not in voice channel") raise VoiceChannelError # Connect to voice if not already if not self.voice_channel: self.voice_channel = await ctx.author.voice.channel.connect() bot_log.debug("Connected to vc.") @command() async def play(self, ctx, *args): """User command to play song Searchs plex db and either, initiates playback, or adds to queue. Handles invalid usage from the user. Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command *args: Title of song to play Returns: None Raises: None """ # Save the context to use with async callbacks self.ctx = ctx title = " ".join(args) try: track = self._search_tracks(title) except MediaNotFoundError: await ctx.send(f"Can't find song: {title}") bot_log.debug("Failed to play, can't find song - %s", title) return try: await self._validate(ctx) except VoiceChannelError: pass # Specific add to queue message if self.voice_channel.is_playing(): bot_log.debug("Added to queue - %s", title) embed, img = self._build_embed_track(track, type_="queue") await ctx.send(embed=embed, file=img) # Add the song to the async queue await self.play_queue.put(track) @command() async def album(self, ctx, *args): """User command to play song Searchs plex db and either, initiates playback, or adds to queue. Handles invalid usage from the user. Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command *args: Title of song to play Returns: None Raises: None """ # Save the context to use with async callbacks self.ctx = ctx title = " ".join(args) try: album = self._search_albums(title) except MediaNotFoundError: await ctx.send(f"Can't find album: {title}") bot_log.debug("Failed to queue album, can't find - %s", title) return try: await self._validate(ctx) except VoiceChannelError: pass bot_log.debug("Added to queue - %s", title) embed, img = self._build_embed_album(album) await ctx.send(embed=embed, file=img) for track in album.tracks(): await self.play_queue.put(track) @command() async def playlist(self, ctx, *args): """User command to play playlist Searchs plex db and either, initiates playback, or adds to queue. Handles invalid usage from the user. Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command *args: Title of playlist to play Returns: None Raises: None """ # Save the context to use with async callbacks self.ctx = ctx title = " ".join(args) try: playlist = self._search_playlists(title) except MediaNotFoundError: await ctx.send(f"Can't find playlist: {title}") bot_log.debug("Failed to queue playlist, can't find - %s", title) return try: await self._validate(ctx) except VoiceChannelError: pass bot_log.debug("Added to queue - %s", title) embed, img = self._build_embed_playlist(self, playlist) await ctx.send(embed=embed, file=img) for item in playlist.items(): if (item.TYPE == "track"): await self.play_queue.put(item) @command() async def stop(self, ctx): """User command to stop playback Stops playback and disconnects from vc. Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command Returns: None Raises: None """ if self.voice_channel: self.voice_channel.stop() await self.voice_channel.disconnect() self.voice_channel = None self.ctx = None bot_log.debug("Stopped") await ctx.send(":stop_button: Stopped") @command() async def pause(self, ctx): """User command to pause playback Pauses playback, but doesn't reset anything to allow playback resuming. Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command Returns: None Raises: None """ if self.voice_channel: self.voice_channel.pause() bot_log.debug("Paused") await ctx.send(":play_pause: Paused") @command() async def resume(self, ctx): """User command to resume playback Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command Returns: None Raises: None """ if self.voice_channel: self.voice_channel.resume() bot_log.debug("Resumed") await ctx.send(":play_pause: Resumed") @command() async def skip(self, ctx): """User command to skip song in queue Skips currently playing song. If no other songs in queue, stops playback, otherwise moves to next song. Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command Returns: None Raises: None """ bot_log.debug("Skip") if self.voice_channel: self.voice_channel.stop() bot_log.debug("Skipped") self._toggle_next() @command(name="np") async def now_playing(self, ctx): """User command to get currently playing song. Deletes old `now playing` status message, Creates a new one with up to date information. Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command Returns: None Raises: None """ if self.current_track: embed, img = self._build_embed_track(self.current_track) bot_log.debug("Now playing") if self.np_message_id: await self.np_message_id.delete() bot_log.debug("Deleted old np status") bot_log.debug("Created np status") self.np_message_id = await ctx.send(embed=embed, file=img) @command() async def clear(self, ctx): """User command to clear play queue. Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command Returns: None Raises: None """ self.play_queue = asyncio.Queue() bot_log.debug("Cleared queue") await ctx.send(":boom: Queue cleared.") @command() async def lyrics(self, ctx): """User command to get lyrics of a song. Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command Returns: None Raises: None """ if not self.current_track: plex_log.info("No song currently playing") return if self.genius: plex_log.info( "Searching for %s, %s", self.current_track.title, self.current_track.artist().title, ) try: song = self.genius.search_song( self.current_track.title, self.current_track.artist().title ) except TypeError: self.genius = None plex_log.error("Invalid genius token, disabling lyrics") return try: lyrics = song.lyrics # Split into 1950 char chunks # Discord max message length is 2000 lines = [(lyrics[i : i + 1950]) for i in range(0, len(lyrics), 1950)] for i in lines: if i == "": continue # Apply code block format i = f"```{i}```" await ctx.send(i) except (IndexError, TypeError): plex_log.info("Could not find lyrics") await ctx.send("Can't find lyrics for this song.") else: plex_log.warning("Attempted lyrics without valid token")