"""All discord bot and Plex api interactions.""" import asyncio import io import logging from urllib.request import urlopen import discord from async_timeout import timeout from discord import FFmpegPCMAudio from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import command from plexapi.exceptions import Unauthorized from plexapi.server import PlexServer from .exceptions import TrackNotFoundError root_log = logging.getLogger() plex_log = logging.getLogger("Plex") bot_log = logging.getLogger("Bot") class General(commands.Cog): """General commands Manage general bot behavior """ def __init__(self, bot): """Initialize commands Args: bot: discord.ext.command.Bot, bind for cogs Returns: None Raises: None """ self.bot = bot @command() async def kill(self, ctx, *args): """Kill the bot Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command *args: optional flags Returns: None Raises: None """ if "silent" not in args: await ctx.send(f"Stopping upon the request of {ctx.author.mention}") await self.bot.close() bot_log.info("Stopping upon the request of %s", ctx.author.mention) @command() async def cleanup(self, ctx, limit=250): """Delete old messages from bot Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command limit: int number of messages to go back by to delete. Default 250 Raises: None Returns: None """ channel = ctx.message.channel try: async for i in channel.history(limit=limit): # Only delete messages sent by self if i.author == self.bot.user: try: await i.delete() except (discord.Forbidden, discord.NotFound, discord.HTTPException): pass except discord.Forbidden: bot_log.info("Unable to delete messages, insufficient permissions.") await ctx.send("I don't have the necessary permissions to delete messages.") class Plex(commands.Cog): """Discord commands pertinent to interacting with Plex Contains user commands such as play, pause, resume, stop, etc. Grabs, and parses all data from plex database. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # All are necessary to detect global interactions # within the bot. def __init__( self, bot, base_url: str, plex_token: str, lib_name: str, bot_prefix: str ): """Initializes Plex resources Connects to Plex library and sets up all asyncronous communications. Args: bot: discord.ext.command.Bot, bind for cogs base_url: str url to Plex server plex_token: str X-Token of Plex server lib_name: str name of Plex library to search through bot_prefix: str prefix used to interact with bots Raises: plexapi.exceptions.Unauthorized: Invalid Plex token Returns: None """ self.bot = bot self.base_url = base_url self.plex_token = plex_token self.library_name = lib_name self.bot_prefix = bot_prefix # Log fatal invalid plex token try: self.pms = PlexServer(self.base_url, self.plex_token) except Unauthorized: plex_log.fatal("Invalid Plex token, stopping...") raise Unauthorized("Invalid Plex token") self.music = self.pms.library.section(self.library_name) plex_log.debug("Connected to plex library: %s", self.library_name) # Initialize necessary vars self.voice_channel = None self.current_track = None self.np_message_id = None self.ctx = None # Initialize events self.play_queue = asyncio.Queue() self.play_next_event = asyncio.Event() bot_log.info("Started bot successfully") self.bot.loop.create_task(self._audio_player_task()) def _search_tracks(self, title: str): """Search the Plex music db for track Args: title: str title of song to search for Returns: plexapi.audio.Track pointing to closest matching title Raises: TrackNotFoundError: Title of track can't be found in plex db. """ results = self.music.searchTracks(title=title, maxresults=1) try: return results[0] except IndexError: raise TrackNotFoundError async def _play(self): """Heavy lifting of playing songs Grabs the appropiate streaming URL, sends the `now playing` message, and initiates playback in the vc. Args: None Returns: None Raises: None """ track_url = self.current_track.getStreamURL() audio_stream = FFmpegPCMAudio(track_url) while self.voice_channel.is_playing(): asyncio.sleep(2) self.voice_channel.play(audio_stream, after=self._toggle_next) plex_log.debug("%s - URL: %s", self.current_track, track_url) embed, img = self._build_embed(self.current_track) self.np_message_id = await self.ctx.send(embed=embed, file=img) async def _audio_player_task(self): """Coroutine to handle playback and queuing Always-running function awaiting new songs to be added. Auto disconnects from VC if idle for > 15 seconds. Handles auto deletion of now playing song notifications. Args: None Returns: None Raises: None """ while True: self.play_next_event.clear() if self.voice_channel: try: # Disconnect after 15 seconds idle async with timeout(15): self.current_track = await self.play_queue.get() except asyncio.TimeoutError: await self.voice_channel.disconnect() self.voice_channel = None if not self.current_track: self.current_track = await self.play_queue.get() await self._play() await self.play_next_event.wait() await self.np_message_id.delete() def _toggle_next(self, error=None): """Callback for vc playback Clears current track, then activates _audio_player_task to play next in queue or disconnect. Args: error: Optional parameter required for discord.py callback Returns: None Raises: None """ self.current_track = None self.bot.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.play_next_event.set) def _build_embed(self, track, type_="play"): """Creates a pretty embed card. Builds a helpful status embed with the following info: Status, song title, album, artistm and album art. All pertitent information is grabbed dynamically from the Plex db. Args: track: plexapi.audio.Track object of song type_: Type of card to make (play, queue). Returns: embed: discord.embed fully constructed img payload. thumb_art: io.BytesIO of album thumbnail img. Raises: ValueError: Unsupported type of embed {type_} """ # Grab the relevant thumbnail img_stream = urlopen(track.thumbUrl) img = io.BytesIO(img_stream.read()) # Attach to discord embed art_file = discord.File(img, filename="image0.png") # Get appropiate status message if type_ == "play": title = f"Now Playing - {track.title}" elif type_ == "queue": title = f"Added to queue - {track.title}" else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type of embed {type_}") # Include song details descrip = f"{track.album().title} - {track.artist().title}" # Build the actual embed embed = discord.Embed( title=title, description=descrip, colour=discord.Color.red() ) embed.set_author(name="Plex") # Point to file attached with ctx object. embed.set_thumbnail(url="attachment://image0.png") bot_log.debug("Built embed for %s", track.title) return embed, art_file @command() async def play(self, ctx, *args): """User command to start playback Searchs plex db and either, initiates playback, or adds to queue. Handles invalid usage from the user. Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command *args: Title of song to play Returns: None Raises: None """ # Save the context to use with async callbacks self.ctx = ctx if not args: await ctx.send(f"Usage: {self.bot_prefix}play TITLE_OF_SONG") bot_log.debug("Failed to play, invalid usage") return title = " ".join(args) try: track = self._search_tracks(title) except TrackNotFoundError: await ctx.send(f"Can't find song: {title}") bot_log.debug("Failed to play, can't find song - %s", title) return # Fail if user not in vc if not ctx.author.voice: await ctx.send("Join a voice channel first!") bot_log.debug("Failed to play, requester not in voice channel") return # Connect to voice if not already if not self.voice_channel: self.voice_channel = await ctx.author.voice.channel.connect() bot_log.debug("Connected to vc.") # Specific add to queue message if self.voice_channel.is_playing(): bot_log.debug("Added to queue - %s", title) embed, img = self._build_embed(track, type_="queue") await ctx.send(embed=embed, file=img) # Add the song to the async queue await self.play_queue.put(track) @command() async def stop(self, ctx): """User command to stop playback Stops playback and disconnects from vc. Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command Returns: None Raises: None """ if self.voice_channel: self.voice_channel.stop() await self.voice_channel.disconnect() self.voice_channel = None self.ctx = None bot_log.debug("Stopped") await ctx.send(":stop_button: Stopped") @command() async def pause(self, ctx): """User command to pause playback Pauses playback, but doesn't reset anything to allow playback resuming. Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command Returns: None Raises: None """ if self.voice_channel: self.voice_channel.pause() bot_log.debug("Paused") await ctx.send(":play_pause: Paused") @command() async def resume(self, ctx): """User command to resume playback Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command Returns: None Raises: None """ if self.voice_channel: self.voice_channel.resume() bot_log.debug("Resumed") await ctx.send(":play_pause: Resumed") @command() async def skip(self, ctx): """User command to skip song in queue Skips currently playing song. If no other songs in queue, stops playback, otherwise moves to next song. Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command Returns: None Raises: None """ bot_log.debug("Skip") if self.voice_channel: self.voice_channel.stop() bot_log.debug("Skipped") self._toggle_next() @command(name="np") async def now_playing(self, ctx): """User command to get currently playing song. Deletes old `now playing` status message, Creates a new one with up to date information. Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command Returns: None Raises: None """ if self.current_track: embed, img = self._build_embed(self.current_track) bot_log.debug("Now playing") if self.np_message_id: await self.np_message_id.delete() bot_log.debug("Deleted old np status") bot_log.debug("Created np status") self.np_message_id = await ctx.send(embed=embed, file=img) @command() async def clear(self, ctx): """User command to clear play queue. Args: ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context message context from command Returns: None Raises: None """ self.play_queue = asyncio.Queue() bot_log.debug("Cleared queue") await ctx.send(":boom: Queue cleared.")