##============================================================================================== ## ## ## Batch Merge Subtitles with MKVMerge ## ## By Miles ## ## Idea from Iain McCain : https://superuser.com/a/1249870 ## ## ## ##============================================================================================== ## ## ## Utilisation et conditions : ## ## - Il faut que les .srt et les .mkv soient dans le même dossier. ## ## - Il faut que les sous-titres externes .SRT aient le même nom de fichier que les .MKV. ## ## - Il faut paramétrer l'extension des fichiers de sous-titres pour que ces derniers ## ## reflètent la langue : eng, fre,... ## ## - Il faudra par ailleurs modifier le code langage dans AudioLang_X et SubTrackLang_1 ## ## Il est possible de : ## ## - spécifier des dossiers sources et destinations identiques ou différents ## ## - spécifier un titre de piste (pour toutes) ## ## ## ##============================================================================================== ## ## ## Objectifs : ## ## Remuxer deux MKV en gardant l'audio et le(s) sous-titre du premier ou un sous-titre ## ## externe, et seulement la vidéo du second MKV ## ## ## ##============================================================================================== Clear-Host Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { # Set MKVMerge.exe Path $MKVMerge = "`"PATH_TO\mkvtoolnix\mkvmerge.exe`"" # For the parameters to pass to MKVMerge executable, will be construct #Set Source and Target directories (Don't put an \ at the end) $sourceDirectory_1 = "PATH_TO_SOURCE_1" $sourceDirectory_2 = "PATH_TO_SOURCE_2" $destinationDirectory = "PATH_TO_DESTINATION" # Rename output file with this settings : # Use https://regex101.com/r/cU5lC2/1 to get the RegEx $chain_to_search = '' # $chain_to_search = '(\w+)\.S(\d{2})E(\d{2}).(.*)H264(.*)' # $chain_to_search = '(\w+)\.S(\d{2})E(\d{2})(.*)1080p.(.*)H.264(.*)' $chain__to_replace = '' # $chain__to_replace = '$1 - S$2E$3 - $4x265-10bits$5--Reencoded' # $chain__to_replace = '$1 (2021) - S$2E$3 - 1080p.$5x265-10bits$6--Reencoded' # The filenames must be like : blabla.S00E00.blabla.H.264.blabla # They will be renamed to : blabla - S00E00 - blabla.x265-10bits.blabla--Reencoded # If you don't want the rename to be made, juste set to '' the variables. # If there is no internal subtitles to keep : # Set to $false for no internal subtitle # Set to $true for one or more internal subtitles $Internal_SUB = $true # Is there an external subtitle ? Set the number of .SRT (0 - 2) # It's exclusive, no internal SUB will be proceed.. $NB_External_SUB = 0 # Extension without the . $MkvExtension = "mkv" #Set Subtitle Extension (Don't add the . before the extension) $SubExtension_1 = 'eng.srt' $SubExtension_2 = 'fre.srt' #If source and destination are the same folder, set this to True, Otherwise let it to "False" $merged_SUFFIX_name = "False" # Move MKV1 (and SRT) to Not-Merged folder ? Set to $false or $true $move_mkv1_after_merge = $true # Move MKV2 (and SRT) to Not-Merged folder ? Set to $false or $true $move_mkv1_after_merge = $true # Initialization for those 3 variables, do not change them ! $MKVMerge_sub_param = "" $MKVMerge_audio_param = "" $subtitle_tracks = "" # ################## #### FILE 1 - Keeping all but the video # ================== AUDIO ================== # Track 1 = Audio n°1 # Name and language of Audio Track n°1 $AudioTrackName_1 = "1:English - DDP 5.1" $AudioLang_1 = "1:eng" $AudioTrack_1_default = "1:yes" # Define track order. Do not modify it unless you changed the track number in this section $track_order = "1:0,0:1" # $MKVMerge_audio_param = '--language', "$AudioLang_1", '--track-name', "$AudioTrackName_1", '--default-track', "$AudioTrack_1_default" $MKVMerge_audio_param = "--language $AudioLang_1 --track-name `"$AudioTrackName_1`" --default-track $AudioTrack_1_default" # # Track 2 = Audio n°2 # # Name and language of Audio Track n°2 # $AudioTrackName_1 = "2:English - DDP 5.1" # $AudioLang_1 = "2:en" # $AudioTrack_1_default = "2:yes" # # Define track order. Do not modify it unless you changed the track number in this section # $track_order = "1:0,0:1,0:2" # $MKVMerge_audio_param += "--language $AudioLang_2 --track-name `"$AudioTrackName_2`" --default-track $AudioTrack_2_default" ########################################## #### FILE 2 - MKV - Keeping only the video #### $file_2_options = "--no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags" if ( $NB_External_SUB -ne 0 ) { # ================== EXTERNAL SUBTITLE ================== # Must have the same name as MKV1 #### #### FILE 3 - SRT - Keeping all but the video (audio + chapters tags) # ================== SUBTITLES ================== # Track 0 = Sub n°1 to keep # Name and language of Subtitle Track n°0 + Sync Value $ExtSubTrackName_1 = "0:English - SRT" $ExtSubTrackLang_1 = "0:eng" $ExtSubTrack_1_default = "0:yes" $ExtSub_charset_1 = "0:UTF-8" # Define track order $track_order += ",2:0" #### #### FILE 4 - SRT - Keeping all but the video (audio + chapters tags) # ================== SUBTITLES ================== # Track 0 = Sub n°1 to keep # Name and language of Subtitle Track n°0 + Sync Value $ExtSubTrackName_2 = "0:Français - SRT" $ExtSubTrackLang_2 = "0:fr" $ExtSubTrack_2_default = "0:no" $ExtSub_charset_2 = "0:UTF-8" # Define track order if ( $NB_External_SUB -eq 2 ) { $track_order += ",3:0" } } else { # ================== INTERNAL SUBTITLES ================== if ( $Internal_SUB -eq $true ) { # Track 2 = Sub n°1 to keep # Name and language of Subtitle Track n°1 + Sync Value # $SubTrackName_1 = "2:English - SRT" # $SubTrackLang_1 = "2:en" # $SubTrack_1_default = "2:yes" # $sub_charset_1 = "2:UTF-8" # # Define track order # $track_order += ",0:2" # $subtitle_tracks = "2" # # $MKVMerge_sub_param = '--sub-charset', "$sub_charset_1", '--language', "$SubTrackLang_1", '--track-name', "$SubTrackName_1", '--default-track', "$SubTrack_1_default" # $MKVMerge_sub_param = "--sub-charset $sub_charset_1 --language $SubTrackLang_1 --track-name `"$SubTrackName_1`" --default-track $SubTrack_1_default" # Track 3 = Sub n°2 to keep # Name and language of Subtitle Track n°1 + Sync Value $SubTrackName_2 = "3:English SDH - SRT" $SubTrackLang_2 = "3:eng" $SubTrack_2_default = "3:yes" $sub_charset_2 = "3:UTF-8" # Define track order $track_order += ",0:3" $subtitle_tracks = "3" $MKVMerge_sub_param += "--sub-charset $sub_charset_2 --language $SubTrackLang_2 --track-name `"$SubTrackName_2`" --default-track $SubTrack_2_default" #### } else { # No internal subtitles are to be kept... $MKVMerge_sub_param = "" } } ## End of part where there is something to change ! ##============================================================================================== # Testing if the Not-Merged folder already exists : if yes, it will be renamed, else it will be created. $Path_Folder_NotMerged_2 = $sourceDirectory_2 + "\Not-Merged" If (!(test-path $Path_Folder_NotMerged_2)) { New-Item -ItemType "Directory" -Force -Path $Path_Folder_NotMerged_2 -Verbose } else { # Don't know what's the best... TO BE IMPROVED #Move-Item -Path $Path_Folder_NotMerged_2 -Destination "$sourceDirectory\Not-Merged--backup" -Verbose #Move-Item -Path $Path_Folder_NotMerged_2 -Destination "$sourceDirectory\Not-Merged--backup" -Verbose } # Testing if the Not-Merged folder already exists : if yes, it will be renamed, else it will be created. $Path_Folder_NotMerged_1 = $sourceDirectory_1 + "\Not-Merged" If (!(test-path $Path_Folder_NotMerged_1)) { New-Item -ItemType "Directory" -Force -Path $Path_Folder_NotMerged_1 -Verbose } else { # Don't know what's the best... TO BE IMPROVED #Move-Item -Path $Path_Folder_NotMerged_2 -Destination "$sourceDirectory\Not-Merged--backup" -Verbose #Move-Item -Path $Path_Folder_NotMerged_2 -Destination "$sourceDirectory\Not-Merged--backup" -Verbose } #Process $MKV_1_List = Get-ChildItem $sourceDirectory_1 -Filter "*.mkv" | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName } | Sort-Object $Count_1 = $MKV_1_List.count Write-Host "$Count_1 MKV's to be processed in $sourceDirectory_1." $MKV_2_List = Get-ChildItem $sourceDirectory_2 -Filter "*.mkv" | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName } | Sort-Object $Count_2 = $MKV_2_List.count Write-Host "$Count_2 MKV's to be processed in $sourceDirectory_2." # ######################### # Check if there is the same number of .srt files as .mkv files if ( $NB_External_SUB -ne 0 ) { if ( $NB_External_SUB -ge 1 ) { # If $NB_External_SUB >= 1 (include =1 and =2) $SRT_1_List = Get-ChildItem $sourceDirectory_1 -Filter "*.$SubExtension_1" | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName } | Sort-Object $Count_1_SRT = $SRT_1_List.count Write-Host "$Count_1 MKV's to be processed and $Count_1_SRT SRT's to be processed in $sourceDirectory_1." if ($Count_1 -eq $Count_1_SRT) { Write-Host "There is the same number of MKV and SRT n°1 files in this folder. Let's continue." } else { Write-Host "The number of MKV and SRT n°1 files isn't the same. ABORT..." -foreground "red" Exit } } if ( $NB_External_SUB -eq 2 ) { # Only if $NB_External_SUB = 2 $SRT_2_List = Get-ChildItem $sourceDirectory_1 -Filter "*.$SubExtension_2" | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName } | Sort-Object $Count_2_SRT = $SRT_2_List.count if ($Count_1 -eq $Count_2_SRT) { Write-Host "There is the same number of MKV and SRT n°2 files in this folder. Let's continue." } else { Write-Host "The number of MKV and SRT n°2 files isn't the same. ABORT..." -foreground "red" Exit } } } # ######################### # ######################### # Check if there is the same .mkv files in both source directory if ($Count_1 -eq $Count_2) { Write-Host "There is the same number of MKV in the two sources folders. Let's continue." } else { Write-Host "The number of MKV in the two sources folders isn't the same. ABORT..." -foreground "red" Exit } # if (!($Count_1 -eq ($filename_ep_final - $filename_ep_start + 1))) { # Write-Host "The number of episodes set in the script isn't the same as the number of files in the folders... EXITING NOW !" -foreground "red" # Exit # } # ######################### $compteur = 1 # for ($i = $filename_ep_start; $i -lt $filename_ep_final+1; $i++) { Foreach ($MKV_1 in $MKV_1_List) { Write-Host "" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "white" Write-Host "Traitement du fichier n° $compteur / $Count_1..." -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "white" Write-Host "" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "white" # Genreating Files Name & Video Title # format = filename_1_part_1 + S + filename_season + E + i_counter + filename_1_part_2 + .mkv # format = filename_2_part_1 + S + filename_season + E + i_counter + filename_2_part_2 + .mkv $FormatName_1 = (Get-Item $MKV_1).Basename $MKV_1_name = $FormatName_1.ToString() $MKV_2_file = get-ChildItem $sourceDirectory_2 -recurse | where { $_.name -like "*$MKV_1_name*" } | select name # Faire test si count = 1 -> ok Sinon soucis ! $FormatName_2 = $MKV_2_file.Name.ToString() $MKV_2_name = $FormatName_2.Substring(0, $FormatName_2.Length - ($MkvExtension.Length + 1)) $MKV_2 = $sourceDirectory_2 + "\" + $MKV_2_name + ".$MkvExtension" # Title for the video track and for the destination file $VideoTrackName = $MKV_1_name if ( $set_year_with_brackets -eq $true ) { $VideoTrackName = $VideoTrackName -replace '(\d{4}(?=.*S\d{2}E\d{2}))', '($1)' } if ( $remove_dots -eq $true ) { $VideoTrackName = $VideoTrackName -replace '\.(?=.*S\d{2}E\d{2})', ' ' } $VideoTrackName = $VideoTrackName -replace $chain_to_search, $chain__to_replace $VideoTrackName = "$VideoTrackName" Write-Host "`tThe Video Track Name will be : `r`n`t`t $VideoTrackName" -ForegroundColor "green" if ( $compteur -le 3 ) { # Will prompt for a key to be pressed for the 3 first names Write-Host "`tFor the 3 first file, this will show up, and pause for 10s" -ForegroundColor "yellow"; Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } ######################################################### # Exceptions for some files with other than 2 SRT inside # You must copy paste the default entries set in the begining of this script in the Default section switch ($MKV_1_name) { "MY_FILE_WITH_EXCEPTION" { # # ================== AUDIO ================== # # Track 1 = Audio n°1 # # Name and language of Audio Track n°1 # $AudioTrackName_1 = "1:English - DDP 5.1" # $AudioLang_1 = "1:en" # $AudioTrack_1_default = "1:yes" # # Only One subtitle track : n°2 # $SubTrackName_1 = "3:English SDH - SRT" # $SubTrackLang_1 = "3:en" # $SubTrack_1_default = "3:yes" # $sub_charset_1 = "3:UTF-8" # # Define track order # $track_order = "1:0,0:1,0:3" # # Define subtitles track to keep # $subtitle_tracks = "3" $VideoTrackName = "Defiance - S03E01-E02 - 720p.HDTV.x265-10bits-DIMENSION--Reencoded" break } "MY_FILE_WITH_EXCEPTION_2" { # # Track 1 = Audio n°1 # # Name and language of Audio Track n°1 # $AudioTrackName_1 = "1:English - AAC 2.0" # $AudioLang_1 = "1:en" # $AudioTrack_1_default = "1:yes" # # Only One subtitle track : n°2 # $SubTrackName_1 = "2:English - SRT" # $SubTrackLang_1 = "2:en" # $SubTrack_1_default = "2:yes" # $sub_charset_1 = "2:UTF-8" # # Define track order # $track_order = "1:0,0:1,0:2" # # Define subtitles track to keep # $subtitle_tracks = "2" $VideoTrackName = "Defiance - S02S02E12-E13 - PROPER.720p.HDTV.x265-10bits-KILLERS--Reencoded" break } #Default state Default { # If not an exception, we don't want to modify the variables # $SubTrackName_1 = "3:English SDH - SRT" # $SubTrackLang_1 = "3:eng" # $SubTrack_1_default = "3:yes" # $sub_charset_1 = "3:UTF-8" # # Define track order # $track_order = "1:0,0:1,0:3" # # Define subtitles track to keep # $subtitle_tracks = "3" break } } ######################################################### # Set Output File Name If ($merged_SUFFIX_name -eq "True") { $Output = $destinationDirectory + "\" + $VideoTrackName + '___MERGED' + '.mkv' } elseif ($merged_SUFFIX_name -eq "False") { # $Output = $destinationDirectory + "\" + $VideoTrackName + '.mkv' $Output = "$destinationDirectory" + "\" + "$VideoTrackName" + ".mkv" } else { write-host "Error in the value of the merged_SUFFIX_name variable. Current value = $merged_SUFFIX_name" -ForegroundColor "red" write-host "Should be set to True or False.`nScript is exiting now..." -ForegroundColor "white" Exit } # write-host "Output file will be :" -ForegroundColor "white" # write-host "$Output" -ForegroundColor "white" # write-host "--" -ForegroundColor "white" if ( $NB_External_SUB -ne 0 ) { # First external SRT to include $SRT_1_Name = $MKV_1_name + ".$SubExtension_1" $SRT_1 = $sourceDirectory_1 + "\" + $SRT_1_name $MKVMerge_param_start = "--output `"$Output`" --title `"$VideoTrackName`" --track-order `"$track_order`" --no-video --no-subtitles" if ( $no_attachements -eq $true ) { $MKVMerge_param_start += " --no-attachments" } $MKVMerge_param_mkv1 = "$MKVMerge_audio_param `"$MKV_1`"" $MKVMerge_param_mkv2 = "--no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags --language 0:en --track-name `"0:$VideoTrackName`" --default-track 0:yes --no-subtitles --no-audio `"$MKV_2`"" $MKVMerge_param_srt1 = "--sub-charset $Extsub_charset_1 --language $ExtSubTrackLang_1 --track-name `"$ExtSubTrackName_1`" --default-track $ExtSubTrack_1_default `"$SRT_1`"" $MKVMerge_param_srt_all = "$MKVMerge_param_srt1" if ( $NB_External_SUB -eq 2 ) { # Second external SRT to include $SRT_2_Name = $MKV_1_name + ".$SubExtension_2" $SRT_2 = $sourceDirectory_1 + "\" + $SRT_2_name $MKVMerge_param_srt2 = "--sub-charset $Extsub_charset_2 --language $ExtSubTrackLang_2 --track-name `"$ExtSubTrackName_2`" --default-track $ExtSubTrack_2_default `"$SRT_2`"" $MKVMerge_param_srt_all += " $MKVMerge_param_srt2" } $MKVMerge_param_all = "$MKVMerge_param_start $MKVMerge_param_mkv1 $MKVMerge_param_mkv2 $MKVMerge_param_srt_all" } else { # INTERNAL SUB to keep $MKVMerge_param_start = "--output `"$Output`" --title `"$VideoTrackName`" --track-order `"$track_order`" --subtitle-tracks $subtitle_tracks --no-video" if ( $Internal_SUB -eq $true ) { # There is some internal subtitles to keep $MKVMerge_param_mkv1 = "$MKVMerge_audio_param $MKVMerge_sub_param `"$MKV_1`"" } else { # There is no internal subtitles to keep $MKVMerge_param_mkv1 = "$MKVMerge_audio_param `"$MKV_1`"" } $MKVMerge_param_mkv2 = "--no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags --language 0:en --track-name `"0:$VideoTrackName`" --default-track 0:yes --no-subtitles --no-audio `"$MKV_2`"" $MKVMerge_param_all = "$MKVMerge_param_start $MKVMerge_param_mkv1 $MKVMerge_param_mkv2" # ################## # Debug # Write-Host "$MKVMerge_param_start" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "DarkGray" # Write-Host "$MKVMerge_audio_param" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "DarkGray" # Write-Host "$MKVMerge_sub_param" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "DarkGray" # Write-Host "$MKVMerge_param_mkv2" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "DarkGray" # Write-Host "" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "DarkGray" # Write-Host "$MKVMerge_param_all" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "DarkGray" # Write-Host "" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "DarkGray" # Write-Host "Commande qui sera lancée :" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "DarkGray" # Write-Host "& $MKVMerge" "$MKVMerge_param_all" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "DarkGray" # ################## } # Last step to command construction $command = "& $MKVMerge $MKVMerge_param_all" # Launch begin... Invoke-Expression $command Write-Host "" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "white" Write-Host "Fin du traitement du fichier n° $compteur / $Count_1." -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "white" Write-Host "" -ForegroundColor "black" -BackgroundColor "white" If (Test-Path $Output) { #Clean Up #Remove-Item $MKV #Remove-Item $Sub #Remove-Item $OtherSub # Move to folder Not-Merged, this folder's existence has already been tested, and the folder is created. if ( $move_mkv1_after_merge -eq $true ) { Move-Item -Path $MKV_1 -Destination $Path_Folder_NotMerged_1 -Verbose if ( $NB_External_SUB -ne 0 ) { Move-Item -Path $SRT_1 -Destination $Path_Folder_NotMerged_1 -Verbose if ( $NB_External_SUB -eq 2 ) { Move-Item -Path $SRT_2 -Destination $Path_Folder_NotMerged_2 -Verbose } } } if ( $move_mkv2_after_merge -eq $true ) { Move-Item -Path $MKV_2 -Destination $Path_Folder_NotMerged_2 -Verbose } } Else { write-host "File NON-EXISTANT - $Output" -foreground "red" "File NON-EXISTANT - $Output" | Out-File "$destinationDirectory\Errors.txt" -Append } $compteur++ } # ############################## # Command History # # internal Subtitles : # two subtiles to keep : #& $MKVMerge --title "$VideoTrackName" --track-order "$track_order" --subtitle-tracks "$subtitle_tracks" -o "$Output" --no-video --language "$AudioLang_1" --track-name "$AudioTrackName_1" --default-track "$AudioTrack_1_default" --sub-charset "$sub_charset_1" --language "$SubTrackLang_1" --track-name "$SubTrackName_1" --default-track "$SubTrack_1_default" --sub-charset "$sub_charset_2" --language "$SubTrackLang_2" --track-name "$SubTrackName_2" --default-track "$SubTrack_2_default" "$MKV_1" --no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags --language "0:en" --track-name "0:$VideoTrackName" --default-track "0:yes" --no-subtitles --no-audio "$MKV_2" # Only one subtitles to keep # & $MKVMerge --title "$VideoTrackName" --track-order "$track_order" --subtitle-tracks "$subtitle_tracks" -o "$Output" --no-video --language "$AudioLang_1" --track-name "$AudioTrackName_1" --default-track "$AudioTrack_1_default" --sub-charset "$sub_charset_1" --language "$SubTrackLang_1" --track-name "$SubTrackName_1" --default-track "$SubTrack_1_default" "$MKV_1" --no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags --language "0:en" --track-name "0:$VideoTrackName" --default-track "0:yes" --no-subtitles --no-audio "$MKV_2" # # # External Subtitles # # 1 SRT # & $MKVMerge --output "$Output" --title "$VideoTrackName" --track-order "$track_order" --no-video --no-subtitles --language "$AudioLang_1" --track-name "$AudioTrackName_1" --default-track "$AudioTrack_1_default" "$MKV_1" --no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags --language "0:en" --track-name "0:$VideoTrackName" --default-track "0:yes" "$MKV_2" --sub-charset "$Extsub_charset_1" --language "$ExtSubTrackLang_1" --track-name "$ExtSubTrackName_1" --default-track "$ExtSubTrack_1_default" "$SRT_1" # # # 2 SRTs # & $MKVMerge --title "$VideoTrackName" --track-order "$track_order" -o "$Output" --no-video --no-subtitles --language "$AudioLang_1" --track-name "$AudioTrackName_1" --default-track "$AudioTrack_1_default" --language "$AudioLang_1" --track-name "$AudioTrackName_1" --default-track "$AudioTrack_1_default" "$MKV_1" --no-audio --no-track-tags --no-global-tags --language "0:en" --track-name "0:$VideoTrackName" --default-track "0:yes" "$MKV_2" --sub-charset "$ExtSub_charset_1" --language "$ExtSubTrackLang_1" --track-name "$ExtSubTrackName_1" --default-track "$ExtSubTrack_1_default" "$SRT_1" --sub-charset "$ExtSub_charset_2" --language "$ExtSubTrackLang_2" --track-name "$ExtSubTrackName_2" --default-track "$ExtSubTrack_2_default" "$SRT_2" }